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Sound Design for Video Games 

In this demo reel I have designed, recorded, and edited sounds for different scenes and objects in video games. Each sound was designed the way I heard it in my head.



The first clip is of a player interacting with a health power-up.  This sound consists of bright and uplifting elements, as well as an audible sigh of relief from the player! 


The second clip shows a button being pressed with a crisp, "pop" sound. Followed by a squeaky lever being pulled down.


The third clip is a scene showing the inside of a shuttle as it drifts through open space. This sound features a dark tonal ambience, with a soft, fluttering roar from the engine.


The fourth clip is of a black hole! This black hole has a beam of light radiating through the center emitting a twinkling sound that is being engulfed by the deep rumbling of the hole. Swirling around the blackhole is a circle of dust. 


The final clip consists of three separate versions of a projectile being fired. Despite not being able to see the physical weapon, I imagine it being an energy blaster of some sort.

The first version is a sound I designed by editing and processing recordings that I took of various objects in my house. 

The second version only uses sounds I generated using a synthesizer.

The third contains a combination of both recorded and synthesized sounds.

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